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taking control of your diabetes : Diabetes Blog-Chat : Diabetes Category Index : Diabetes Control Tips

Diabetes Control Tips

In this category I'll share tips and hints I've discovered to help you take control of your diabetes.

Have Diabetes? Can Still Travel. - Although it takes a bit more planning ahead, there is no reason why diabetes should prevent you from traveling...
Smoking is Hazardous to Your Health and Especially if You Have Diabetes - Smoking increases the health risk factors that diabetics already face, are you playing dangerous games with your health? Check these health risk factors diabetic smokers face...
Obesity Contributes to Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic - Research has reported one of the greatest contributors to the type 2 diabetes epidemic is obesity brought on by our modern lifestyle. Are you eating yourself into diabetes type 2? These 4 eating habits, which are so easy to slip into, could lead to obesity and may make you another statistic in type 2 diabetes epidemic...

Diabetes Cold Feet - Foot Care Tips - Do you have cold feet? I don't mean are you scared to do something, I'm talking about cold feet due to bad blood circulation. That's the result of my type 2 diabetes; cold feet and hands. And having poor blood circulation means it is even more important to pay close attention to the condition of your extremities; like feet and hands. Check these action points for your diabetic foot care...

Monitor Your Blood-Sugars - One of the most difficult things for someone with diabetes is keeping an eye on your blood sugar levels. Use this easy-to-access, free-to-use, online tool...


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